To Do:

I am going to practice creativity.


Brit H. said…
Yay! I am so glad that you commented on my blog, so that I could find yours!! I can't believe that D1 is in Spain! I am SOO jealous. How fun. Anyway, glad that we can keep in touch!
Hello! said…
Um. . .how exactly does one "practice" creativity? And why do you "stumble" on my blogs. Can't you be proud to say you go there willingly?
Practice Creativity: It's like any "skill" you lose. To keep it up, you have to practice. I don't know how, yet.

"Stumbling" or "Next Blog"ging are the things I do when I am not looking at your blog. Your blog I go to willingly, then when I am through looking there or at Brittany's or Jeremy's or whomever, then I spend the next hour moving through the "Next Blog" feature, or the "Stumble" feature looking at hundreds of random (mostly foreign) blogs and hundreds of random (some interesting) websites related to things I am interested in.

That's what I mean.

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