The Casual Vacancy

The Casual VacancyThe Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

I knew this was no Harry Potter. Just how NOT Harry Potter was yet to be determined. It felt like she was trying to prove something. "I can write for adults," says J.K. I suppose she can. If you like that kind of thing. I have proven to myself that my criteria for finishing a book rests largely on how well it is written. J.K. Rowling can write. With her writing, she can entice me to finish a book that is about despicable people, behaving badly*. There is nothing redemptive, uplifting or even rational about the way the characters in this story interacted. There was more hate, back-biting, vindictiveness and ugliness in these people's lives than I have ever seen, nor can I even imagine - and for that I am grateful.

*child neglect
*child abuse
*infidelity and betrayal
*personality disorders


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Vaughn Hughes said…
Thanks for the heads-up on this one. I can see how the fact that Rowling wrote it could persuade some of my older kids to make a go at it thinking it must be similar to HP.

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