Plus Size Model
Hey, did you all hear America's Next Top Model crowned its new winner. Her name is Whitney and she is a "plus size" model. I can hear you all cheering for this FIRST TIME EVER event in the history of ANTM. So, we are downstairs watching DVR of the season finale. Fourteen year-old daughter 1 (hereinafter "d1") and 12-year old daughter 2 (hereinafter "d2") and a couple of 12-13 year old d2 friends all sitting on the couch and this is the conversation. Mom: "Hey, I want to see this. Which one is the plus size. D1: "The one in the middle." Random conversation about who likes or hates who and why .. some fast forward of the DVR. I still can't really see this voluptuous beauty Whitney, the plus size model because she is in a big, white coat. However, I am not sure she looks a whole lot plussier than Anya and whoever the other chick is. Mom: "So, what do they consider a plus size model -- something like a 6 0r 8?" (yeah ...