In response to Lindsay's tag here is the list of a few of the books I have read recently. (At least I think)

1. The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
2. Dante's Daughter by Kelly Heuston. Written by a teacher at my kids' school. Her mother and I trade books.
3. The Marketing of Evil by David Kupelian
4. Teacher The One Who Made a Difference by Mark Edmundson
5. The Second Comforter by Denver C. Snuffer
6. Nephi's Isaiah by Denver C. Snuffer
7. Eighteen Verses by Denver C. Snuffer
8. A Fine Young Man by David Gurian
9. Moneyball by Michael Lewis
10. Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
11. Stop Dressing Your Six-Year-Old like a Skank and Other Words of Delicate Southern Wisdom by Celia Rivenbark ($5 at Barnes & Noble)
thought I'd add that one just for good measure


Lindsay said…
So is this for real, or did you just start this to appease me? :) Either way, fantastic job. I am slightly offended that you call my blog a waste of time. I call it documenting my legacy, but whatever. I do, however, think it's cheating to list your husbands books. I do plan on reading them someday though. So. . .keep the posts coming. You have LOTS of great stuff to document. :)
No, I called MY blog a waste of time. If yours was a waste of time, I wouldn't stalk it every day -- or every other day. I will replace my husband's books with three others. It was just a shameless plug anyway.

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