Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something.

Plato said this. I couldn't agree more. In a world with the ability to communicate in some fashion or another 24/7, people talk too much. Everybody thinks they have something to say. Comment boards on websites and blog pages are filled with people, some of whom are wise men (a very few) and some of whom are fools (most of them), commenting on ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.

Why would anyone waste time commenting or criticizing the parenting styles of Katie Holmes and Angelina Jolie?

Why do people leave hate-filled comments calling her the most vicious ugly names imaginable after reading a web article about Sarah Palin.

Why do fools HAVE to say something? I consider myself a fool. I have made myself a promise, NEVER to leave a comment (save friendly comments on the blogs of people I know) on a comment board. I don't know enough about which I speak not to make a fool out of myself.

Why do more people not see their ignorance and keep it to themselves instead of broadcasting it to the WORLD WIDE WEB!?!

The concepts of being still, being thoughtful and ponderous are slowly becoming lost in our culture. Too much noise. The ability to be anonymous and instant in our communication makes us more willing to be stupid and ugly and hateful and ignorant in our interactions and dealings with others.

I am reminded of a line in the movie "Tommy Boy" where David Spade, in response to one of Chris Farley's not so intelligent rantings says, "Are you talking?" If you have seen the movie, implicit in this question is WHY ARE YOU TALKING?

I feel that way --


Lindsay said…
It's about damn time. I'd like a little more talking out of you. I say Brittany and I earn an award for sticking with you. Yes, we both keep checking. :) glad you're back. And I agree with everything you said. And am now going against what you said by commenting even though I don't really have anything to say.

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