
I am grateful.  Gratitude is a very liberating virtue for me.  When I am truly grateful for everything, I feel joy.  I believe at this moment I am truly happy.  I am grateful for everything I am blessed with.  I am grateful for a wonderful husband who truly serves the Lord.  He is a towering example to me and to our family of someone who wholeheartedly gives himself to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  His example is one that keeps me striving to be a better person.  I want to be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, servant and child of my Heavenly Father because of my husband.  

I am indescribably grateful for my children.  My patriarchal blessing says this:  "Your children will respond to your love and teachings and will be a joy to you."  This is so true.  I love my children and get such joy and satisfaction out of being their mother.  They teach me so much.  Each one of my children taught me some of the most incredibly valuable lessons I have learned in my life.  

I am grateful for the challenges that I face individually and that we face as a family, and that we are facing as a nation. I treasure the opportunity to say to myself "What would the Lord like me to learn from this?" I know the Lord loves me enough to refine me.  I am prayerful that I will live my life in a way to be learning everyday.  

I am grateful for the noise.  There is a lot of noise.  Even as I write this, I am listening to beautiful young ladies YELL.  Daughters and nieces enjoying each others company during the Thanksgiving sleepover.   

I could go on and on and on.  Gratitude -- for me it is truly liberating.  Cicero said, "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others." I thank the Lord that he has helped me grow and nurture this virtue.  I can do nothing of myself.  My Heavenly Father leads me and guides me every step of the way. 

 "O Give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endureth forever."
                                  1 Chronicles 16: 34


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