Holy Moly!  I posted a few posts back (don't know when) about a new blog I had been working on.  It's this. Any way - it's been quite a job.  Not that it looks like it, but whatever.  Still it has taken up time.  Time I would use to blog on my blog had I had anything to actually blog about.  This blog is actually better than mine anyway.  So again I say -- take a look.  You won't be disappointed.

FHE (family home evening if you don't know) on Sunday was taught by husband, hereinafter known as "Big D."

Moroni 10: 4-5 with the focus being on verse 5.

Everyone in our family now has the gift of the Holy Ghost which means we all may "know the truth of all things."  This means we need to know how we amass the truth of all things.  We pray and get answers to prayers.  The answers to these said prayers come in different ways.  As a general rule we should pay attention to these 3 things.

1.  The answer you get the first time, however, whenever and in whatever form it comes is probably the answer the Lord wants to you pay attention to.  You are allowed to ignore, dismiss, debate, or even ask for another answer.  That is your prerogative.  The Lord allows this.  Remember Joseph Smith and Martin Harris?  The Lord told Joseph "No" on more than one occasion.  Joseph buckled under pressure from Martin, and kept pestering the Lord.  The Lord then told Joseph "Yea, sure whatever.  Do what you want since you won't listen to me anyway.  Hope that works out for ya."*  Oops.  We all know how that turned out.  Probably for the best in the long run, but Joseph sure felt like crap.  The Lord would like us to learn from wisdom, mostly we insist on learning by experience.  Ugh!                 

*editorializing by me

2.  The answer will usually be short.  Maybe "Yes" or "No" or "Read your scriptures" or "Pray" or maybe even "Listen to your mom and dad."*  It won't be a long explanation.  It won't include rationalizations or justifications.  Those kinds of things are what we do to make the answer fit with what we want. Satan uses rationalization and justifications as tools.  If that is what your answer seems to be, then it is not an answer from the Lord.  Don't listen to it. 

*wouldn't that be a novel idea
3.  The answer will be scripturally sound and doctrinally accurate.  If you desire, you should be able to go to the scriptures and find something similar, comparable, or useful as it relates to your question, asked in prayer, and the answer given by the power of the Holy Ghost. 

Yeah for FHE and for "Big D" who blesses our family with wondrous insights that we all benefit from. Yeah for lemon bars and pecan bars for FHE treat! And more importantly it was over in less than 15 beautifully quiet minutes. 


Laure said…
Holy cow Steph! You HAVE been busy. Nice work! There's tons of great stuff on there. Don't worry, your posts aren't too bad either. I really like this one. Great advice on recognizing answers to prayers. Thanks.
PS nice editorializing about Joseph's answer. That's totally what answers to prayers would sound like if Stephanie Snuffer was God. Haha.
-Laure Rona

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