The Scriptures and Me

I finished reading a book a few weeks ago called Beloved Bridegroom, by Donna Nielsen.  I posted a picture and a recommendation several posts back.  It's about how to find Christ in ancient Jewish marriage and family customs.  (Do not be intimidated by that description.  It is VERY readable.)  

On page 4 it says this:  

"The three most essential requirements for parents were: to love God, remember his commandments at all times, and then teach them to their children at every possible opportunity."  

I have been thinking about this concept for several months now (way before being reminded of this in Beloved Bridegroom.)  I have been praying that I may be attentive enough to the children and in tune enough with opportunities to engage in this kind of teaching.  Also, I realize that the Lord has been telling me for a LONG time, a really LONG time to do what Hyrum [Smith] was told to do in D&C 11:21

"Seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word, 
and then shall your tongue be loosed; then, if you desire, 
you shall have my Spirit and my word, yea, 
the power of God unto the convincing of men."

That's quite a promise.  For me it works out great because at the moment the only "men" I'm interested in convincing are my children.  Seems straight forward enough.  I have certainly been told this enough.  Problem is, I am not good at "studying" my scriptures.  I can read them, but so can my 8-year old.  Bless her heart.  I have terrible recall.  I can't remember what I read, my mind wanders, and really I don't even know how to "ponder."  Ponder what?  I can't ponder if I can't remember what I read.  

This is my solution.  It's a scripture journal.  I am currently reading the Old Testament and the Book of Mormon.  I am in Isaiah and Mosiah.  Ha ha.  I read a chapter  - sometimes not even everyday, because I still s*&^k (that's supposed to say "stink")  at this.  As I am reading, I am thinking about the things that seem significant to me and then I highlight them in green.  After I finish the chapter I go back and write down what those things meant to me in this:

It's working for me.  On occasion, before I start to write, I will read what I wrote a week or two ago.  It helps.  It keeps me focused (mostly).  I record thoughts, questions, ponderances (not a word I'm pretty sure) and I am earnestly seeking to obtain his word.  

That is what he asked, after all.


gammy said…
This is wise and good help. I don't read enough even though I'm taking an incredible B of M class. Thank you for your thoughts...I love you so.
Donna said…
This is Donna Nielsen-aka southgirl

It was so nice to meet you tonight, Stephanie. I have been reading and enjoying your posts and can see that we have very similar tastes in reading material. 8 people in our family have read (or are nearly finished with) all of your husband's wonderful books. What a blessing!

And I have to say that I am so happy that you enjoyed Beloved Bridegroom.

I look forward to keeping up with your blog.

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